Wednesday, August 7, 2013


Drugs towards teens.

               Teens all over the world have turned into a child of god and into drug addicts. More than half of the worlds teenagers have turned into drugs gangs and violence. drugs that get to the young teens come from all sorts of parts of the world. About 50 of marijuana come from the borders of Mexico. for example compared to Philippines and United States have almost the same percentage of young teenagers that are using drugs or in a gang or fraternity. Starting today we need to do something about the spread of drugs all around the world. Especially if we want to reduce the percentage of the young drug users all around the world.

SONA 2013

SONA 2013

                   On Monday President Benigno Aquino delivered his forth State of National Address, when he talked about various issues raging in the Philippines. president Aquino had many things that he said that interested me in wanting to help him out on his quest to help the Philippines on the role of helping Filipinos on wanting to go to school. I want to help him by encouraging students to take things seriously when they have that opportunity to go to school. Also President is adding extra security for our barangays by hiring more police officers. He also talked about helping the needy in delivering and giving the food to eat, also he will sole the problems of floods in Manila and reduce the risks of floods. the last thing i want to talk about is the K-12 program that is being added towards the schools. i am looking forward into the more amount of students entering a job when they get out of high school. I hope that our president does do these things that he says and make a big iprovement in our country that we call the Philippines.